Proposal Magang Kerja SMK

Proposal Magang Kerja SMK

Keep Learning

Belajar Langsung Bareng Ahlinya.

Acquire global knowledge and build your professional skills
altharalif / CEO of Wesclic

Kurikulum Merdeka


ECourse Gratis

Seumur Hidup

Bertemu Para Ahli

PT. Wesclic Indonesia.

Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Pembuatan, Pengembangan dan Penerbitan Produk Teknologi berbasis solusi Neo-Technology baik software maupun hardware berlokasi di Yogyakarta

Wesclic hadir sebagai solusi untuk bisnis dan profesional tumbuh, dengan visi integrasi-interkoneksi teknologi informasi

Telah Dipercaya Oleh 39+ Sekolah di Seluruh Indonesia

Surat Penawaran

Bersamaan dengan ini, kami dari PT. Wesclic Indonesia Neotech bermaksud menawarkan program magang untuk organisasi/lembagaBapak/Ibu pimpin. Penjelesanan lengkap mengenai program terlampir dalam proposal online ini.

Demikian surat penawaran  ini kami sampaikan, besar harapan Bapak/Ibu berminat dengan prgram magang yang kami tawarkan. Atas perhatiannya, kami sampaikan terimakasih.

Metode Unggul

Kami mendesain program magang secara khusus denga metode unggul untuk menciptakan generasi masa depan yang memiliki keahlian sesuai kebutuhan industri.

Praktik Kerja

Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or Payoneer, it’s your choice.

1 on 1 Mentoring

Help people learn new skills, advance their careers, and explore their hobbies by sharing your knowledge.

Forum Diskusi

Take advantage of our active community of instructors to help you through your course creation process.


Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or Payoneer, it’s your choice.

Berbasis Proyek

Help people learn new skills, advance their careers, and explore their hobbies by sharing your knowledge.

Join Our Community

Take advantage of our active community of instructors to help you through your course creation process.

Fasilitas Pendukung


Alat Praktik

Like graphic design, business anaytics, coding and much more

Ruang Kerja

From top institutions and universities with high reputation over the world

E-Course Gratis

With high demands in mastering new skills in IT, analytics and more

Tempat Bermain

With EduMall's thousands of courses instructed by top experts


Daftar Menjadi Sekolah Rekanan


Daftar Menjadi Peserta Magang

Frequently Asked Questions

Which courses are included with my subscription?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
Are the video courses downloadable?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
What do I need to get started?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
Do I get feedback or critiques?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.

Cerita Siswa Magang Kami.

Kami selalu percaya, cerita mereka dapat menginspirasi anda untuk bergabung dan belajar bersama perusahaan kami.

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