Mau Beriklan di Tiktok Ads? Sudah Tau Benefit dan Kekurangannya Belum. Kalau Belum, Yuk Simak Konten Berikut!

By Abednego Aria

TikTok ads are a way to get your brand in front of people while they’re creating or watching video content on TikTok. And with over 1 billion monthly active users, it’s a channel you don’t want to miss out on.

There are three primary components to any good TikTok Ad: the first few seconds to grab attention, the offer, and call to action. Remember to make it emotional. Hit their pain points and give them an exciting reason to click the ad otherwise it will collect dust. Or, consider enticing users to make their own content o create a viral effect like Mercedes Benz did in the above example.

TikTok Ads Advantages

Why should your brand invest in TikTok Ads? They are a great way to reach an audience that has been shown to be highly receptive and responsive to advertisements. Additionally, TikTok’s impressive top-of-funnel metrics—like time spent watching video content—make it easier for brands large and small to measure the success of their campaign. Finally, there is a low barrier of entry because you can simply create or re-purpose existing creative instead of creating something from scratch which means more budget will go towards promotion rather than production costs.

TikTok Ads Disadvantages

The big TikTok disadvantage would be the fact that it’s new which means not as much data is available about its capabilities compared to other popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. If you’re creating videos from scratch, it can take a large amount of resources to produce high quality content. Compared to Facebook Ads, there is also a limiting amount of formats you can leverage.

TikTok Ads Cost

The average cost of a TikTok ad is $10 per 1,000 views or $1 per 1,000 impressions. They also require that you spend at least $500 on a campaign. Comparing that to its competitor, Facebook Ads only require you to pay $1/day for impression-based campaigns or $5/day for clicks, likes, video views, etc. Facebook Ads are cheaper but keep in mind your audience targeting impacts this greatly.

While TikTok Ads have a higher upfront cost, they often are more affordable over the long term

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